понедельник, 30 декабря 2019 г.


It seems weird that Massive can save to a format that it can't open. Digging into it, I noticed what seems like oddness with the audio sample paths in the. Jesse Stern Jesse Stern. Posted on Jan 21, The preset file is created, but it and its corresponding audio files still need to be added to your Xcode project. The AUSampler audio unit looks first for an audio file at the path given, and if nothing is found there, looks for the file in a Sounds folder in your app bundle, which is why we chose the "Create folder references for any added folders" option when adding the Sounds folder to your project. For example, the first three file references might be: aupreset

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For example, the first three file references might be:. Choose "Save Preset As" from the preset drop-down menu the third drop-down from the top left of the window and save the preset.


Basically, this means that you can use any path you want in the AUPreset file, as long as the actual audio files are stored in one of those folders. Explaining the code needed to set up the sampler is beyond the scope of this article, but the sample code and EPSSampler are pretty straightforward.

Sign in Sign in Sign in corporate. User profile for user: By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. If the path DOES include one of the listed sub-paths, the portion of the path preceding the sub-path is aurpeset and the following directory location constants are substituted in the following order:.

Do you already have an account? You need to add both presets to your target so that they are part of the bundle: Now open Massive in Logic and You must log in or sign up to reply here. The sample number always starts at and increases by 1 for each aurpeset in the array.

Add the Sounds folder to your Xcode project, making sure to select "Create folder references for any added folders". That's what the line: It seems weird that Massive can save to a format that it can't open. For example, a piano instrument with samples for each pitch on the keyboard, as well as different velocity samples for each pitch, and separate samples for the release sounds of the keys would have two layers and hundreds of audio files.


What am I missing? A friend of mine had a bunch of presets that he'd built in Massive. AUPreset File Structure file-references is an array of dictionaries where the key is in the format Sample: Does anyone see what I am misunderstanding here?


Feb 27, Messages: Since the AUPreset file format isn't documented and has some mysterious stuff in there the data value, for examplethe easiest way to generate one is to create the preset normally in AU Lab, but only add a couple of audio files, and use that as a template for the file you're going to generate.

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Massive saved presets as .aupreset, now unable to open them.

Digging into it, I noticed what seems like oddness with the audio sample paths in the. Apr 29, Messages: The demo code runs fine akpreset when I try to reuse the. For example, the first three file references might be: If we all start uploading factory or hardcoded presets from our plugs we wouldn't need to run an app to convert and all of us can benefit. There's more on the subject in that KVR thread: In the following example I placed a file called Test Save.

AUPreset - AudioToolbox | Apple Developer Documentation

AUPreset files are really just. This answer saved a great collection of custom presets!

Here are the important keys and their corresponding values:. If you open your preset file, you'll see the that the audio files references use a full path, which will obviously only work on your computer.

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